February 13, 2025

As you may recall, the anti-gunners in the legislature recently placed House Bill 230 – a bill that infringes upon your Second Amendment rights – on the Governor’s desk. 

H 230 makes firearm storage mandatory, creates a 72-hour waiting period for firearm purchases, and expands Red Flag Gun Confiscation Orders to be requested by even more people! 

Not only are these provisions blatantly unconstitutional, but they are also dangerous. There is no doubt that this bill could cause innocent people to be hurt or killed, and we have seen it happen elsewhere. 

Well, even after hundreds of calls and emails from Vermont gun owners asking the Governor to veto this draconian gun control, Governor Scott decided it would be best to destroy your right to self-defense and allow the bill to become law without his signature. 

This process is basically a coward’s way of supporting gun control. He was afraid he would lose support if he signed the legislation, so he just let it run out of time for his signature and allowed it to become law. 

Governor Scott needs to know that gun owners will not forget this tyrannical stance he has taken, and we will do everything we can to ensure he never gets re-elected. 

Please click here to send a pre-written message to Governor Phil Scott reprimanding him for allowing H 230 to become law! 

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