October 18, 2024

Committee Puts Off Pro-gun Bill After Mass Murder

Since the Biden Pistol Ban was announced, Gun Owners of America has been calling on Congress to use the Congressional Review Act to disapprove the ATF’s ban on millions of pistols and to overturn it.

Because of your activism. H. J. Res. 44 was introduced by over 180 House Republicans just two weeks ago to strike down the Biden Pistol Ban.

But with Democrats weaponizing a recent mass murder, we need your help to move the bill forward. Take action using our tool here! Urge Republicans to hold that hearing and tell Democrats to stop politicizing the deaths of innocent children.

While a hearing on ATF overreach was held last week and a committee vote on repealing the Pistol Brace Ban was scheduled for Tuesday, March 27th…

… Republicans have postponed it for now. Rep. Jim Jordan’s office put out this statement to Punchbowl News:

The Chairman is disgusted by Democrat efforts to use tomorrow’s scheduled markup to politicize the tragedy in Nashville. As a result, the Committee has postponed the markup in an effort to have a serious debate on these important Constitutional issues in the future.

The anti-gun movement is doing this despite the fact that the killer intentionally attacked the school instead of a better defended school. Gun owners cannot let the anti-gun movement pressure Republicans into canceling the markup altogether.

That’s why we need your help to encourage pro-gun Representatives to hold strong in defense of your Second Amendment rights.

Please, add your name to our pre-written message, urging them to stand strong in restoring 2nd Amendment rights.

Pro-gun representatives will be encouraged to hold fast, while anti-gun representatives will be condemned for weaponizing the deaths of children for their own political gain.

Congress must hold a committee vote on the resolution to disapprove of the Biden Pistol Ban before it can come to the floor for a vote.

That vote will put Congress on the record—including so-called moderate Democrats—on where they stand on mass gun confiscation and gun registration schemes before the upcoming election.

Voting to disapprove of the gun ban rule will also create momentum for cutting ATF funding, thus preventing them from implementing the Biden Pistol Ban in 2024—which would be a major win for gun owners.

So please, after you’ve used this link to send a message to your Representative, pick up the phone and give them a call at (202) 224-3121. A phone call is worth a dozen emails!

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