Here is the press release.
Here are the bills which have been signed:
- A-2882/S-6649, Relates to warnings to be posted and provided by firearms dealers.
- A-5873/S-3340, Relates to the reporting of Extreme Risk Protection Orders.
- A-7717B/S-8589A, Relates to who can be a petitioner for an Extreme Risk Protection Order.
- A-9862A/S-8479A, Requires payment card networks to use certain merchant category-codes for firearm dealers.
- A-10053A/S-7365B, Requires reasonable controls and procedures to be taken to prevent the installation and use of a pistol converter.
- A-10356A/S-9760, Relates to the safe storage of firearms and child access prevention.
Here is the dog-and-pony show: