February 12, 2025

Call the Three Democrats who Supported SB 41

Dear friend,

Unsurprisingly, Gov. Roy Cooper vetoed SB 41, the bill to repeal pistol purchase permits and close the church carry loophole.

However, this bill passed the legislature with bipartisan, veto-proof majorities. While the state senate has the Republican votes to override the veto, the bill in the state house was passed with the support of three Democrat Representatives: Marvin Lucas, Shelly Willingham, and Michael Wray.

It’s critical that these representatives vote again for final passage of SB 41. Sadly, we have seen some Democrats change their votes when it really counted, and we can’t let that happen again.

So please politely call these representatives, thanking them for their vote for SB 41 and to urge them to vote again for the bill in final passage.

You can find their numbers below:

  • Marvin Lucas: 919-733-5775
  • Shelly Willingham: 919-715-3024
  • Michael Wray: 919-733-5662

Please don’t delay, your calls can make the difference!

In liberty,

Jordan Stein
Southeast Region Director
Gun Owners of America

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