February 12, 2025

Republican Barry Jozwiak to Introduce Bill Banning Glock Switches

It looks like State Representative Barry Jozwiak (R-5) is betraying gun owners a second time.

Earlier this month, Rep. Jozwiak issued a co-sponsorship memorandum to introduce a bill to ban Glock switches. You can read the memo here.

To refresh your memory, “Glock switches” are designed to modify a Glock handgun to convert it to full-auto fire.

If you don’t know, “Glock switches” are already regulated under the National Firearms Act (NFA). They are considered machine guns under federal law and are illegal to possess. But that doesn’t matter to Jozwiak. You see, Rep. Jozwiak is retiring and is showing his true colors by siding with anti-gun Democrats.

This isn’t the first time Jozwiak has betrayed gun owners. In 2018, Jozwiak voted for HB 2060. This bill expanded the loss of gun rights by “mandating” the relinquishment of ALL firearms, other weapons, and all ammunition – when a “permanent” protection from abuse (PFA) order is issued – “WITHIN” 24 hours or face prosecution. Gun owners can be victimized by this gun confiscation, even without facing proper Due Process—thus, no jury, no facing your accuser, no legal representation, etc.

Rep. Jozwiak should be working to eliminate state-level restrictions on automatic weapons. Instead, he’s promoting more gun control, fanning the flames of fear and paranoia generated by Michael Bloomberg.

You and I both know that criminals do not respect gun control laws. Jozwiak’s bill is nothing more than virtue-signaling and will do absolutely nothing to prevent evil people from committing crimes.

If you live in Rep. Jozwiak’s district,  please use the form above to send a message demanding that he withdraw his bill to ban Glock switches immediately. Let Rep. Jozwiak know that you are offended that he would end his legislative career thinking he can shove gun control down our throats.

If you do NOT live in Rep. Jozwiak’s district, call his Capitol office at 717-772-9940 and demand that he withdraw this bill.

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