February 13, 2025

The Post reports:

“… Sen. Sean Ryan (D-Buffalo) is pushing to stop [NRA] from promoting gun safety in New York. Newly-introduced legislation would do that by stripping the group of its near monopoly over certifying the “duly authorized instructor” any New Yorker needs to complete the safety training required for a conceal carry permit per state laws passed last summer. “Where the NRA was once viewed as an authority on gun safety, it has become an extremist organization that prioritizes political advocacy at the expense of safety,” argues a legislative memo attached to the bill introduced this week. “The NRA has pursued an extreme political agenda focused on overturning gun safety laws here in New York and across the nation. Through its conduct as an organization, the NRA has proven to no longer be an authority on gun safety,” the memo adds. … “New York state has no control over the curriculum taught about safety to get a pistol permit issued by New York State. [That] doesn’t seem to make a lot of sense,” Ryan, a longtime Hochul ally, told The Post …”

Ryan knows that’s BS, but I can see this bill passing next year.

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