October 14, 2024

Pennsylvania State Senate Democrats have submitted a discharge resolution to force a vote on Universal Registration Checks and Red Flag Gun Confiscation Orders.

The vote on the discharge resolutions will happen TOMORROW, October 9, 2024.

Two bills that passed the House in 2023 are up for consideration:

  • HB 714 – This bill would outlaw the private sale of long guns unless you get government permission first. It would also set up a registry in Pennsylvania for all firearms transactions, just like there is for handguns presently.
  • HB 1018 – This bill created Red Flag Gun Confiscation Orders, allowing “ex parte” star chamber proceedings where only one party presents evidence before a judge with no right to face the accuser until AFTER firearms are seized through an order by a pliant judge.

That’s why I need you to take action immediately by sending a message to your state senator (by using the form above) to vote AGAINST the discharge resolution for HB 714 and HB 1018. 

Neither of these bills should see the light of day and they are a gross violation of our God-given rights.

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