March 11, 2025
GOALS: Come See These Panels Next Week in Knoxville!

Since the beginning, the focus of our Gun Owners Advocacy and Leadership Summit has been to better equip our members with the knowledge and tools they need to take better action as 2A advocates.

To that end, we have packed the schedule at GOALs with a host of panels and discussions covering almost every topic you can think of as it relates to the 2nd Amendment and firearms, made up of some of the most influential and knowledge experts in the space.

Here is a rundown of the many different opportunities you have to boost your knowledge next week in Knoxville!

  • 2A Action Alliance Panel 
    • A Discussion amongst the influencers and 2A media creators that have taken action using their platforms and signed the GOA-backed, 2A Action Alliance letters delivered to Congress.
  • Hunting Tradition Panel 
    • The Second Amendment is essential to preserving the hunting tradition in the United States, and these well-known hunters and organizations will discuss what hunters can do to defend and preserve our tradition.
  • Firearms Technology and Innovation Panel 
    • Technology and firearms are always changing and developing, so come listen to some of the leaders in manufacturing and learn how the industry is changing and evolving, in spite of the ever-encroaching hand of the Government.
  • State and Local Advocacy Panel
    • Discover how GOA is operating across the country and impacting legislation, law, and elections in your state to advance our NO Compromise 2nd Amendment mission.
  • Fact vs Fiction Panel 
    • The fight to preserve our rights is filled with phony statistics, hyperbolic statements, and outright lies. Separate the facts from the fiction and arm yourself with the knowledge to not only discredit opponents’ claims, but also show them the truth.
  • Student Activism Panel 
    • The battle ground for the 2nd Amendment runs straight through the younger generation, learn how students and young adults can impact and change the future of our right to keep and bear arms.
  • Gun Culture in America Panel 
    • Gun culture is American culture, and the 27 words of the Second Amendment stand in perpetuity across our nation’s history, but our culture is always changing. Learn how we not only preserve but advance our gun rights in an ever-changing culture.
  • Police Panel 
    • Law-enforcement officers stand at the forefront, seeing the best and worst our country has to offer. Hear how different officers and agencies around the country are taking a stand to defend our rights while protecting our communities.
  • Active Shooter Panel 
    • The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun, and these panelists know that better than most. Come listen to their stories and learn from those who have been there, firsthand.
  • Second Amendment in a Digital Age Panel 
    • Social media and the Internet are the dominate form of communication in our current era, and mastery of these tools is essential in organizing and fighting to preserve our rights. Come learn how we use these tools to fight back against a Silicon Vally elite that wants to see your rights dismantled.
  • Firearms and Emergency Preparedness Panel 
    • When the worst happens, you need to be prepared. You need to have the knowledge and skills to take care of yourself, your family, and your community. Learn how to be your own first responder to emergencies.
  • Right, not a Privilege Panel 
    • Unlike what the other side would like you to believe, bearing arms is a right, not a privilege. Dismantle the attacks on the 2nd amendment and arm yourself with the knowledge you need to be a better activist.
  • Made in Tennessee Panel 
    • Tennessee is a hub for the 2nd Amendment. So learn from those in the state on how the local leaders, companies, and creators are making the region even better for those who enjoy and support our right to keep and bear arms.
  • 2A for All Panel 
    • Gun culture is American culture, and each different demographic has a stake in preserving our rights. Gain perspective from the intersection of these different sub-groups and how we all fight for the rights of all Americans.
  • Gun Rights are Women’s Rights (Women’s Forum) 
    • “God created all men, but Samuel Colt made them equal.” Firearms are the great equalizer, and women have specific issues facing them when it comes to exercising their 2nd Amendment rights. Learn from leaders in the field in the fastest growing demographic of gun owners.
  • Fight for Your Rights Panel 
    • You have the tools, now learn how to use them. From emails, town halls, and lobby days, there is an almost limitless way you can fight to preserve, defend, and restore our rights. Learn how to get involved at any level in the fight for the 2nd Amendment.
  • Competitive Shooting Panel 
    • Come listen to the best of the best when it comes to the world of competitive shooting and find more ways to use and have fun while enjoying your right to keep and bear arms.
  • Legal Panel 
    • Like it or not, bad gun laws are laws, and the fight to abolish them comes straight through the courts. Learn how GOA and other legal entities are fighting in court rooms across the country to destroy these unconstitutional laws and restore our rights.
  • Veterans Panel 
    • These men have carried firearms in defense of our nation, and now use their knowledge and skills to defend our rights on the Homefront. Hear the stories of these veterans, specific 2A issues facing our veteran population, and how they continue to fight to keep us free.
  • Legal Team—Billion Records “Red Dawn” Panel 
    • Take a deep-dive with the GOA legal team and discover the insidious truth of the government’s actions, including the building of an illegal stockpile of over one billion records on gun owners across the nation.

To get more information on the panels and who the panelist are, click here.

If you have made it this far, then you know there is something for everyone going on next week in Knoxville, Tennessee at the first annual Gun Owners Advocacy and Leadership Summit!

This list isn’t the end, as we also have keynote speakers taking the stage as well as over 200 companies showing off the latest and greatest firearms and gear across the industry.

This is truly THE can’t miss event of the year for gun owners, so make sure you are registered for GOALS today!

The dates for GOALS are August 17th and 18th at the Knoxville Convention Center and admission is free for all GOA members. If you are not currently a member, you can become one today or register at the door in Knoxville next week.

Secure your special room rate at hotels within walking distance of the convention center and extend your stay to enjoy the natural beauty of the Great Smoky Mountains and surrounding attractions!

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