October 23, 2024

I’m afraid I’ve got bad news.

Emboldened by our rabidly anti-gun Governor Gretchen Whitmer, Senator Dayna Polehanki has decided to introduce another gun control bill.

And Sen. Dayna Polehanki’s bill flies directly in the face of a recent Supreme Court ruling which GOA worked hard to secure!

Along with 9 other Senators, Polehanki has introduced bill 942 which would ban the manufacture, sale, and possession of bump stocks in Michigan.

This is an unconstitutional attempt at ignoring the recent decision by the Supreme Court.

On June 14, 2024, the Supreme Court affirmed, in Garland v. Cargill, that a bump-stock device does not meet the statutory definition of a “machinegun” and that in issuing a contrary rule, ATF exceeded its statutory authority.

GOA had filed an amicus brief with the high court in this case, and previously filed their own separate challenge to the ban after meetings with the Trump Administration and lobbying efforts on Capitol Hill failed.

This onerous attempt by the ATF to re-classify bump stocks as machineguns was a clear misreading of the underlying federal law, as emphasized by the Justices in last month’s opinion.

And just as the ATF was exceeding their authority, so are the anti-gun Michigan senators.

Even if you do not own, or desire to own a bump stock, this case was extremely important in protecting your Second Amendment rights. The bump stock ban was an overstep by the federal branch of the government, and if it were upheld, then they could have attempted to ban more commonly owned rifles, like the AR-15, via the same route.

These anti-gun senators know full well they are infringing on your constitutional rights, and they will stop at nothing to make Michigan a totalitarian state where no man or woman can defend themselves from a tyrannical government.

Please urge your senators to vote no on MI SB 942.

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