October 23, 2024

This coming Monday, June 24th the Pennsylvania House Education Committee will be meeting to discuss legislation that could unfairly strip Pennsylvania’s youth of their future Second Amendment rights.  

HB 2311 would establish the School Mental Health Screening Grant and Development Program. Our concern with this legislation is that additional mental health screening could lead to life-long prohibitions on gun ownership through involuntary and even voluntary commitments (in other states).

So, to protect the rights of our youth, the GOA has worked closely with Representative Gleim’s office to include a process of expunging juvenile mental health records and language on emancipated students, which would effectively free them from undergoing the program’s screenings. 

GOA closely monitors mental health legislation for its potential impact on how it affects our Second Amendment rights. Without GOA’s amendments, HB 2311 could cause more of our youth to lose their constitutionally protected rights permanently and that is unacceptable.

The Committee hearing on June 24th is coming up very quickly. To ensure that we can effectively make these changes, please fill out the form above and tell them to support Representative Gleim’s GOA-sponsored amendments. 

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