October 18, 2024

Gov. Youngkin Vetoes Slew of Gun Control Bills

Dear Fellow Patriot,

Late last night, Virginia Governor Glenn Youngkin vetoed numerous gun controls which were sitting on his desk.

And thanks to the efforts of pro-gun Virginians like yourself — numerous unconstitutional bills were stopped from becoming law.

While all the gun control bills were heinous and unconstitutional in nature, HB 2 — a so-called “assault weapons” ban would have made Virginia amongst the worst states to ban certain semi-automatic weapons if signed into law.

Youngkin also vetoed bills that would have:

• Banned magazines that hold more than ten rounds.
• Expanded dangerous “gun-free” zones.
• Restricted your right to open carry a firearm.
• Made obtaining a concealed handgun permit harder.
• Expanded the prohibitors for gun ownership.
• Required unconstitutional waiting periods and training for gun ownership.
• Stripped young adult’s right to own guns.

So please call Governor Glen Youngkin at 804-786-2211 and thank him for vetoing these dangerous gun control bills.

But you can be sure the anti-gun Left and the Moms Demand Gun Control advocates won’t take this legislative beatdown lightly.

They will keep coming back and drafting more un-American gun control bills when the Virginia General Assembly meets again in 2025.

And it’s up to the effective grassroots activism of pro-gun Americans like yourself to stop the onslaught of these rights destroying attacks.

Thank you for taking action and defending liberty.

Together we can keep Virginia safe and free.

In Liberty,
Chris Stone
Director of State and Local Affairs
Gun Owners of America

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