October 18, 2024

Get Gun Control Out of the Wyoming Statutes!

The 2024 Wyoming Legislative Session runs from February 12 – March 8.

Last year, by a narrow majority, the 2023 Wyoming Legislature slipped gun control into the Wyoming statutes under the guise of restoring Firearms Rights to non-violent felons.

During this process, they made another huge mistake by requiring state authorities to contact the ATF, but not the FBI, when non-violent felons have their Firearms Rights restored.

This ERROR could results in non-violent felons, with Restoration of Rights Certificates issued by the state of Wyoming, unknowingly being flagged by the FBI when trying to exercise their restored Second Amendment Rights.


As passed in 2023, SF0120 (sponsored by Senator Eric Barlow, R – Gillette) restored the Right to Keep and Bear Arms to one-time non-violent felons in Wyoming, which is a concept GOA supports.

However, SF0120 contained gun control provisions not necessary for restoring Rights, and the legislation actually revoked Rights never previously revoked under Wyoming law before 2023.

Essentially, the Wyoming Legislature revoked the firearms rights of non-violent felons under Wyoming law in order to restore them under Federal Law!

There were other legal paths for restoring the Rights of non-violent felons that did not require placing gun restrictions into Wyoming law.

With two simple amendments, SF0120 could have been a true “Restoration of Civil Rights” bill containing no state-level gun control!

Fortunately, Representative Jeremy Haroldson (R- Wheatland) has introduced legislation in the 2024 Session that would remove the 2023 gun control from Wyoming law, establish proper notification procedures for state and federal law enforcement agencies, and result in a better legal path for restoring the Rights of non-violent felons.

PLEASE click on one of the take action buttons and demand House and Senate members support Representative Haroldson’s Bill and pass it into law.


That is why I am asking you to click here and contact your Representatives and Senators today.

GOA will work hard to advance this and other pro-Second Amendment Legislation during this Legislative Session, and we will keep you informed about all issues impacting YOUR RIGHTS!

Be on the lookout for more from GOA in the coming days and weeks as we monitor the 2024 Wyoming Legislative Session and continue to fight to protect the Second Amendment!

P.S. Please CLICK HERE to contact your Representatives and Senators. Ask them to support Representative Haroldson’s Bill to restore firearms Rights that were revoked last year.

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