March 12, 2025

In keeping with the authoritarian trend across the nation, the Utah State Legislature is continuing to expand its draconian edicts which will slowly erode what remains of constitutional firearms ownership within the state.

Here is just a brief look at the anti-gun infringements being proposed in Utah:

  • Senate Bill 83 creates criminal penalties for citizens who fail to secure their firearms.
  • House Bill 97 creates a five-day waiting period to purchase a firearm and increases penalties to a third-degree felony for those with “intent to resell.” A right delayed is a right a denied.
  • House Bill 326 is a deceptive attempt at a back-door registration, which might mislead upstanding citizens into applying for these tax breaks in order to purchase a firearm storage/safety device. Given that GOA has already exposed the ATF’s de facto registry, one can be sure that the government will keep the tax records of those who apply and the holding capacities of the firearm storage devices.
  • House Bill 426, amongst other infringements, imposes purchase and possession restrictions on ammunition, criminalizes the possession of an arm where the serial number or the name of the maker has been damaged, bans the sale of arms if the unconstitutional background check is denied, mandates that if a denial occurs the dealer has 30 minutes to inform law enforcement, orders the distribution of a firearms safety brochure, and requires dealers to post signs requiring the owners to lock up their firearms or face criminal penalties.

Our rights are not only self-evidently true, but they are also endowed upon us by our Creator. Thus, they are not a grant by the government, nor can they be stripped away by any earthly power.

We need to aggressively, but respectfully, fight with the pen (or keyboard), because a government that forces the citizenry to ask permission before exercising their God-given rights or, through a convoluted web of edicts and regulations, denies the citizenry their essential liberties, is one that views our cherished freedoms as mere privileges to be revoked at their impulsive authoritarian whims.

Please click here to read our in-depth breakdown on every single piece of firearms legislation which has been introduced in 2024!

Given the fast pace at which this infringing legislation is advancing and the State Legislative Service Office’s inability to publicly report legislation status in a more judicious manner, it is up to you to hold the swamp creatures in Salt Lake City accountable

Your message can be simple – vote AGAINST any and all anti-gun bills introduced in the 2024 session.

Please take action above and demand that your legislators hold the line by preforming the primary task of a just government – to safeguard the “blessing of liberty.”

Our resistance effort begins with the Sovereign States adhering to their mandate to defend the liberties of their citizens by opposing unconstitutional laws that infringe upon our rights.

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