October 18, 2024

I have some bad news.

Tomorrow, Wednesday, January 17th, the Pennsylvania House Judiciary Committee will have a hearing on 7 anti-gun bills.

We need you to contact your State Representative and urge them to kill these bills in committee!

Here are the anti-gun bills:

  • HB 335: a ban on bump stocks
  • HB 336: a ban on semi-auto firearms
  • HB 483: creates a taxpayer-funded “Gun Violence Task Force” to further the anti-gun narrative
  • HB 777: restricts privately made firearms
  • HB 1157: adds “mental health” gun control measures; giving a psychiatrist the ability to take away gun rights without due process
  • HB 1190: bans homemade firearms
  • HB 1859: increases penalties for having a weapon under disability

These bills will be heard in committee tomorrow, but there is a good chance they will get a full floor vote in the House if they’re not stopped immediately.

So please Take Action above and urge your State Representative to VOTE NO on these unconstitutional bills.

Thank you for taking the time to act.

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