October 18, 2024

One of Everytown’s top agenda items which has not gotten much attention is tapping into Medicaid to fund gun control. The Columbian has a story about it:

“To tackle America’s gun problem, a growing number of states are using Medicaid dollars to pay for community-based programs intended to stop shootings … So far, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Maryland, New York, and Oregon have passed laws approving the use of Medicaid money for gun violence prevention, said Kyle Fischer, policy and advocacy director for The Health Alliance for Violence Intervention, which has lobbied for the federal and state Medicaid policy changes allowing this spending … In Illinois, which two years ago became one of the first states to approve Medicaid spending for violence prevention, Chicago CRED hopes to get approval for its program this spring. Arne Duncan, the former U.S. education secretary who leads the violence prevention group, said getting paid by Medicaid will be worth the wait and that he hopes his state’s experience will make it more expeditious for others. “We’re trying to build a public health infrastructure to combat gun violence,” Duncan said. “Having Medicaid start to be a player in this space and create those opportunities could be a game changer.” …”

No. What they’re trying to build is a government funded infrastructure to attack 2A civil rights. I have yet to see any pro-gun organization comment on this.

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