March 12, 2025

…Unless You Take Action

Dear friend,

Let me paint a dystopian future for you.

Virginia, the Commonwealth that birthed the author of the Second Amendment, no longer enjoys this Constitutional protection.

Buying a firearm in this timeline is difficult, as there is a five-day waiting period before one can purchase and exercise their right. Young adults (those under 21) have no right to acquire arms, as they are prohibited from purchasing any type of firearm. Further, firearms are more expensive because of the additional five percent tax to support so-called “gun violence intervention programs.”

It gets worse.

Carrying a firearm legally is a nightmare. Consider, finding a government approved instructor for a concealed handgun permit (CHP) is both difficult and more expensive, because the nationally recognized instructors can no longer teach those classes. Those that do obtain a CHP, are now fingerprinted.

And places where one can carry legally are nearly nonexistent, as many restaurants, hospitals, and even public sidewalks are now “gun-free” zones.

Even still, the firearms that can be possessed and acquired are severely restricted.

Honest citizens cannot purchase the best, modern self-defense rifles, such as AR-15s with standard capacity magazines. Even older guns, without serial numbers, are illegal.

Legally owned auto sears are additionally prohibited.

The red flag gun confiscation law was expanded to even take away gun rights of a person who simply lives with one who is the target of a red flag order.

Now, this future is pretty scary, right? I wouldn’t want to live in that timeline.

Sadly, this description is not exaggerated or hyperbole, but it may be reality if gun owners remain complacent.

The above is a summary of just SOME of the gun control that has been introduced into the General Assembly.

And the truth is, Democrats have the partisan votes to pass all of it.

So, what can you do about it?

First, attend and bring a friend to Virginia Citizen Defense League Lobby Day next Monday.

You will be able to interface with your legislators personally and also hear from big names in the 2A community, such as author and commentator Dan Wos, Jared of the YouTube Channel Guns & Gadgets, and pro-gun representatives.

Gun Owners of America Senior Vice President Erich Pratt will be speaking at the rally as well!

Then, most importantly, take action.

Your Delegate, Senator, and Governor need to hear from you now that you oppose any and all infringements.

Gov. Glenn Youngkin, who was elected with the support of gun owners, has not faced any difficult Second Amendment challenges yet.

His veto cannot be taken for granted; he must hear from gun owners that you oppose these infringements.

You can contact him as well as your Delegate and Senator here.

The time is now to join GOA in preventing the anti-gun nightmare. Please take action right away.

In liberty,

Jordan Stein
Certified Firearms Instructor
Southeast Region Director
Gun Owners of America

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