February 13, 2025

From Governor Hochul’s State of the State:

Preventing Gun Violence

Governor Hochul will direct the Office of Gun Violence Prevention to implement a comprehensive set of strategies aimed at preventing gun violence:

  • Provide technical assistance to community-based organizations and hospitals to align their hospital violence intervention programs with the recently signed Medicaid Reimbursement for Violence Prevention Programs, which allows low-income New Yorkers impacted by community violence to receive violence prevention services from qualified specialists;
  • Continue building public awareness to change the narrative on gun violence to discourage perpetuating stereotypes based on race and class that further proliferating racial injustice and health inequity;
  • Building upon Governor Hochul’s expansion of the Red Flag Law in June 2022 that allowed health care providers to file an Extreme Risk Protection Order petition to prevent individuals who show signs of being a threat to themselves or others from accessing any kind of firearm, New York will offer training and awareness for these health care providers;
  • Convene a New York State Health Systems for Gun Violence Prevention Taskforce to focus on data infrastructure, firearm injury risk assessment screening, and hospital violence intervention;
  • Continue to invest in community-led youth programs in historically under-resourced communities that experience the highest rates of gun violence.
  • Create a syndromic surveillance system for firearm related injuries and a dashboard for the public.

No specific bills are mentioned which is good and much of it appears to be a continuation of a previous Everytown efforts to funnel monies to gun control supporters. Hochul is doubling down (again) on Red Flag which at least two local courts have ruled is unconstitutional.

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