October 18, 2024

Help GOA Fight Against Biden’s All-Out War on Hunters and Recreational Shooters

As we warned our members numerous times over the last few months, Joe Biden has instituted an all-out war against hunters and recreational shooters.

In my role as the National Director for Hunter Outreach, I have been following this issue very closely, and have been helping guide GOA’s response to Joe Biden’s unprecedented attacks on America’s hunters.

Over the course of this past summer, I wrote Op-Eds in The Washington Times exposing two high-profile examples of Biden’s War on hunters and recreational shooters including the banning of lead ammunition and the destruction of 58 year-old hunting and shooting programs available in many of America’s schools.

Click the following links to read the specifics about Biden’s Lead Ammunition Ban and Ban on Hunter Education and Shooting Teams in Schools.

This Administration will use any means necessary to destroy not only our traditional Second Amendment rights but also attack the American hunting and shooting traditions and stop the next generation of participants from entering these activities.

GOA has stepped up and been a national leader in exposing these issues and fighting back against the Biden Administration’s efforts in Congress.

With GOA’s help, American hunters scored a huge win when public pushback against the destruction of the school programs became so intense that it could not be ignored. Thanks to that enormous backlash, even large numbers of normally-compromising Republicans and Democrats joined traditionally reliable Republicans to support legislation to protect the funds for school shooting and safety programs. 

Congressional action overturning Biden’s ban means that the nation’s children will once again have access to six decades old hunter education programs in schools, but anti-gun members of Congress and this Administration have not given up on other plans to attack our hunting rights and traditions. 

Biden’s lead ammunition ban is still slated to go forward on certain areas of federal lands in the eastern United States, and this will surely be a precursor to more draconian bans around the country.

This is at least the third time in the last 10 years that the Left has tried to ban commonly used ammunition, so we know that future bans are sure to be extended to all federal lands impacting 30% of the United States.

Once this is accomplished, a complete ban on private property will be next, and you need to look no further than past efforts mentioned in my Op-Ed to know this is the reality we face.  

That is why we need to push members of Congress to defund the current Biden lead ammunition ban through the ongoing budget process in Washington.  

With GOA’s full support, the Republican-controlled U.S. House recently passed legislation defunding Biden’s lead ammunition ban, but the budget fights in Washington have stalled progress on this issue in the U.S. Senate.

The reality is that Congress will probably delay action on this issue into January and February of 2024, but hunters and gun owners need to contact their members of the U.S. House and Senate NOW and demand that Biden’s lead ammunition ban be entirely defunded when the opportunity comes!

In the midst of all these ups and downs for hunters, GOA also helped the House defund the ban on carrying a firearm for self-defense while hunting or fishing on Army Corps of Engineer lands.

Furthermore, with GOA support, the House of Representatives is pushing for concrete protections on hunting and target shooting access on public lands to prevent the Biden Administration from enacting future bans.

There is so much going on related to the future of hunting in America, and the outcome of many of these issues will be delayed until a budget is passed in 2024!

Tell your Representatives and Senators to do everything they can to ensure this Administration does not destroy America’s great hunting and shooting tradition for the next generation. We will ask you to tell them now, and we will be contacting you again in the future when the time is right asking you to remind them again!

Contact your members of the U.S. House and Senate by clicking here! 

Over the course of the next few weeks and months, GOA will be sending more information to you about Biden’s War on Hunters, the lead ammunition ban, and our other efforts to protect American hunting traditions.

We will call on you to help GOA by making your voice heard in Washington, so please be on the lookout for more from us soon.

The battle to save America’s hunting and recreational shooting traditions will wage on for a long time, but rest assured GOA will be standing on the front lines for the battles ahead.


P.S. Please act today to send a message to your Members of Congress telling them to stop the Biden Administration’s ongoing war against hunters and recreational shooters!

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