October 23, 2024


“They didn’t have to know what was coming, but they were always ready!” ~ Tim Grover, describing “… the unforgiving race to greatness.”

Heroes to the Rescue, Once More!

On the afternoon of August 1st, 2023, six Israeli citizens were wounded (two critical) during a terrorist shooting attack at a shopping mall in Ma’aleh Adumim on the West Bank.

The single twenty-year-old Palestinian terrorist used a pistol (type, caliber not reported), had a valid “Entry Permit” (one among 18k), and enjoyed the status of “non-security risk.” He was reportedly employed (at least part-time) locally.

However, this terrorist’s attack had barely begun when he was swiftly gunned down by an off-watch Border Police Officer who was present and armed!

This police officer was not even technically “working” at the time. Nonetheless, his bold and courageous action doubtless saved many innocent lives.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu personally congratulated this young officer for his fearless and heroic intervention.

This incident achieved little notice in the Western media because, of course, it does not fit their intransigent woke disarmament agenda.

Can you imagine any American police officer actually being thanked, much less praised, for stopping a terrorist attack with gunfire?

On the contrary, over here in the U.S., liberal politicians and media pundits would reflexively accuse the officer of “overreaction” and then spend the next half-hour lamenting the fact that this poor terrorist “had an unhappy childhood!”

This incident, once more, merits these factual observations:

1) When it’s Least Expected, You’re Elected!

Individual, personal readiness cannot be overemphasized, whether you’re an LEO or not. Emergencies don’t make appointments, and when the deadly threat suddenly rears its ugly head, there will be scant time to “get ready.”

Accordingly, Operators need to go armed, always, and constantly train to react to the ever-present “immediate threat precisely”

2) “Vetting” is a Joke, There and Here!

“Vetting,” as currently practiced, may occasionally screen out a few among the blatantly conspicuous, but many committed terrorists/criminals will always get through, as we see.

Those who foolishly imagine that “vetting” will magically protect us from terrorists are dangerously naive!

3) No Government, Or Unit Thereof, Will Ever Care About You Personally!

Your personal safety and security are your responsibility, one hundred percent. Depending on someone else to keep you from harm at the critical moment (or do anything for you, for that matter) is an exercise in self-deception.

In fact, it’s probably mental illness!

4) Don’t Expect To Be Thanked!

The weak and sleazy politicians and media, who envy and hate you, because they can never stand tall enough to be your equal, will without fail point out where you could have done it better.

They comment from the sidelines, of course!

“Opportunities are never ‘lost’ They go to someone who’s awake, and ready to host them attentively.” ~ African Proverb


About John Farnam & Defense Training International, Inc

As a defensive weapons and tactics instructor, John Farnam will urge you, based on your beliefs, to make up your mind about what you would do when faced with an imminent lethal threat. You should, of course, also decide what preparations you should make in advance if any. Defense Training International wants to ensure that its students fully understand the physical, legal, psychological, and societal consequences of their actions or in-actions.

It is our duty to make you aware of certain unpleasant physical realities intrinsic to Planet Earth. Mr. Farnam is happy to be your counselor and advisor. Visit: www.defense-training.com

John Farnam

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