October 23, 2024

GOA Working with Dozens of Groups in Opposition to Biden’s Pistol Ban

It’s not just GOA members who have called on Congress to protect Americans from Biden’s tyrannical efforts to outlaw 40,000,000 pistols with attached stabilizing braces.

From veterans to law enforcement to hunters and 2A influencers, dozens of organizations and groups representing tens of millions of Americans have joined together with GOA to send letters to Congress urging them to OVERTURN Biden’s pistol ban.

These groups include:

The Armed Veterans Alliance (6,000+ service members and veterans)

11 other veteran and military serving organizations

The Second Amendment Hunters Coalition

The No Compromise Alliance (representing industry leaders like Kahr Firearms Group, Classic Firearms, KCI USA, Rifle Dynamics, Wolfpack Armory, Freedom Ordnance MFG, Inc., Fort Scott Munitions, Tippmann Arms, and RTD Arms)

The 2A Action Alliance (representing 2A influencers with a combined total of more than 30 million followers including Jon Patton, The Gun Collective; Brandon Herrera, The AK Guy; Eric Blanford, IraqVeteran8888; Jared Yanis, Guns & Gadgets; Paul Glasco, Legally Armed America; John Crump, John Crump News; Tim Harmsen, Military Arms Channel; and dozens of other leading 2A influencers)

The Second Amendment Coalition of Police and Sheriffs

The Caliber Club Coalition

The Attorneys General of 27 states

While GOA members are currently protected by the federal injunctions we secured against Biden’s pistol ban in GOA & Texas v. Garland, members of other organizations like the National Rifle Association and National Shooting Sports Foundation are still vulnerable to felony prosecution as these organizations have only just begun the process of securing an injunction.

The Second Amendment doesn’t just apply to GOA members. ALL Americans deserve protection.

That’s why it’s essential that we keep hammering away at the Senate until they vote to OVERTURN Biden’s pistol ban by passing H.J. Res. 44 or its Senate companion S.J. Res. 20.

Please add your name to our pre-written letter to tell your two Senators that YOU stand with the above groups that collectively represent tens of millions of Americans.


No President has the right to arbitrarily ban firearms or firearm accessories.

Yet Joe Biden just implemented the single largest gun ban in American history entirely by executive action without ANY authorization from Congress.

Overnight, Biden’s ATF turned countless law-abiding American citizens into felons who face up to 10 years in prison – all for owning a piece of plastic that’s been legal for nearly a decade.

Gun Owners of America will NEVER SURRENDER to Biden’s tyranny.

We’ve been rallying opposition from all corners of the country, and I recently spoke on Capitol Hill to DEMAND that Congress protect your God-given rights.

But ultimately, our path to victory in this battle rests with YOU.

You and tens of thousands of your fellow gun owners helped us blast the offices of House members with letters and calls for MONTHS until they finally voted to pass H.J. Res. 44.

It took longer than we would have liked, but together, we got the job done.

Now, we need to do the exact same thing to the Senate – starting with reminding them of all the groups who have already urged them to take action.

It’s important to note: Because H.J. Res. 44 and its Senate companion S.J. Res. 20 are Joint Congressional Resolutions of Disapproval instead of regular bills; they cannot be filibustered.

All it takes is a simple majority vote to pass this critical legislation and send an incredibly powerful message to the courts that the ATF has defied the will of Congress.

H.J. Res. 44 passed the House with bipartisan support, so there’s certainly a path to victory in the narrowly divided Senate.

Assuming every Republican stands behind us (not a given, unfortunately), we’ll need to win two non-Republican votes to secure the passage of either H.J. Res. 44 or S.J. Res. 20.

With your help, we’ll remind every Senator of the power of their gun-owning constituents and force them to fall in line.

So please, add your name to our pre-written letter to tell your two Senators that YOU stand with the above groups that collectively represent tens of millions of Americans.

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