February 13, 2025

Congress Needs to Hear from Those Who Served

GOA needs veterans to sign this petition to call on Congress to hold a vote on H. J. Res. 44. If you are not a veteran, then we still need you to send this link to someone who is!

We all know that as of 12:00 AM June 1st, millions of Americans were made felons if they did not comply with ATF’s pistol brace ban. And while GOA obtained an injunction protecting our own members, there are millions of Americans—including millions of wounded veterans—who are still not covered.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are over “4.9 million veterans, or 27 percent of all veterans [with] a service-connected disability.”

Each of those veterans has a constitutionally protected right to a stabilizing brace on their firearms—because the Second Amendment protects all arms.

We need veterans to sign this petition to Congress to bring to the House floor for a vote, Rep. Clyde’s H.J. Res. 44 to reverse the ATF rule immediately!

GOA will hand deliver this letter to Congress on behalf of every veteran who signs. The letter says:

Congress must repeal the unconstitutional and discriminatory pistol brace ban by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) that hurts our nation’s disabled population, especially America’s disabled veterans who sacrificed their bodies to defend our nation. Therefore, we, the undersigned veterans, urge Congress to use the Congressional Review Act to reverse the ATF rule immediately.

For some Members of Congress who squish out on Second Amendment issues all the time, hearing from veterans who support pistol braces might be just what tips them over the edge to vote for H. J. Res. 44.

So if you are a vet, please sign here. And if you know a veteran, please send her or him this link so they can sign too!

Pistol braces were originally designed and intended to help wounded combat veterans have access to the best self-defense tools on the market. That’s why the letter reminds Congress:

For many disabled veterans, pistol braces may be the only means to safely and effectively exercise the right to keep and bear arms and to defend themselves and their loved ones. Alex Bosco of SB Tactical first invented the pistol stabilizing brace for his friend—a wounded veteran.

And on June 1st, President Biden took that away.

That is the message that Congress needs to hear!

If you are a veteran, please sign this petition to add your name to GOA’s letter to Congress demanding that they reverse the ATF’s unconstitutional ban!

Join with countless other veterans and tell Congress to:

(1) Protect the right of those who have served the People to keep their firearms.
(2) Oppose this executive overreach by the ATF.
(3) Stand up for wounded veterans and the constitutionally protected rights they fought to protect.
(4) Immediately and completely repeal the ATF pistol brace ban that hurts our nation’s veterans.

And if you’re not a veteran, I hope you understand what a powerful message that is for Congress to hear. If you know any veterans, please urge them to sign this letter to Congress as well.

To all who served, thank you.

And to all gun rights activists who take action, thank you for standing with Gun Owners of America.

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