February 13, 2025

Anti-gun Democrats in the Minnesota House have been pushing their agenda non-stop. There is another huge omnibus gun control bill, which contains Red Flag Gun Confiscation and Universal Background Checks, HF 2890.

You may remember last month’s alert on SF 2909. Senate File 2909 was a massive omnibus bill containing Universal Background Checks, Red Flag Gun Confiscation Orders, magazine capacity limits, restrictions on long-gun purchases from people aged 18-20, and more!

Luckily, SF 2909 was amended to take the gun control provisions out of it.

But we need to fight against the House omnibus bill now, and all other individual gun control bills that still have a chance of being heard.

With the anti-gun Democrats in control of the State Legislature and the Governor pursuing a vicious anti-gun agenda, there is a real chance that these tyrannical bills will become law. And sadly, it doesn’t sound like they want to stop at just passing this legislation.

Please click here to send a pre-written message to your Representative urging them to oppose HF 2890 and all other gun control being heard. 

NOTE: This alert has been modified.

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