October 18, 2024

Wyoming Senate Will Vote on Bill to Increase Hunter Opportunities on Public Lands

GOA-Backed HB0104 passed the Wyoming House! This bill will increase hunter opportunities throughout Wyoming on public lands, and now the battle moves to the Wyoming Senate.

Currently, in regards to night predator hunting, the Wyoming Game and Fish Commission restricts the use of artificial lights, thermal imaging, infrared imaging, and other lights to private lands only. This makes all public lands (over one-half of the Cowboy State) off limits to hunters and restricts hunter opportunity significantly.

HB0104 will remove these restrictions and extend hunter opportunities to public lands including U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management Lands.

Over 30 states, including blue states like Massachusetts, allow this practice on public lands, and there is no biological reason to restrict night vision that would justify this policy by Game and Fish. Accordingly, there is widespread public support to end this unnecessary ban on public land night vision use, and GOA expects HB0104 to receive widespread support.

This bill increases hunter opportunities on public lands, which are often the only place many hunters have to hunt!

Please contact your Senator at the link here and encourage them to vote to support HB0104 when it comes to the Senate Floor.

We are working hard with Representatives and Senators to advance pro-gun and pro-hunting measures, and we are also diligently working to ensure that no bills pass this Legislative Session that will restrict your Right to Keep and Bear Arms.  

Today’s alert is one of many to come during the next few days and weeks, so please be looking for more e-mails. We will provide regular updates about these and other legislative efforts and let you know how you can help protect your Second Amendment Rights during this legislative session!


Please contact your Senators at the link here and encourage them to vote to support HB0104 when it comes to the Senate Floor. 

P.S. Please be watching for updates on this and other bills in the coming days, and be on the lookout for information about other important GOA-supported bills that will advance your Second Amendment Rights!

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