October 18, 2024

No gun allowed sign. Symbol, illustration

We have an emergency on our hands.

Joe Biden is trying to pass an “assault weapons” ban before the new Congress takes hold in January.

Because an “assault weapons” ban already passed the House earlier this year, the 50-50 Senate is our only hope of stopping Biden’s latest attack on the Second Amendment.

And since the midterm elections are now over and many Senators are about to retire, many Senators no longer feel accountable to their constituents.

That’s why GOA needs our grassroots army of members like YOU to whip the Senate into line and stop them from surrendering our God-given rights during the lame duck session.

Please add your name to our pre-written letter to tell the 50-50 Senate to VOTE NO on any “assault weapons” ban that Biden tries to ram through Congress during the lame duck session.


The ban passed by the House earlier this year is so expansive that it would not only ban AR-15s – the most popular rifle in America – it would also ban many Glock handguns and 1911s.

That’s why GOA prefers to call this “assault weapons” ban “a ban on commonly-owned firearms.”

Just last week, Biden called it “sick” that Americans have the constitutional right to purchase these popular self-defense rifles – or any gun that shoots just one bullet per trigger pull.

But while Biden wants to stop YOU from owning these commonly-owned firearms, he carved out an exception in the bill to ensure IRS and other federal agents can still own so-called “weapons of war.”

We also fear that Biden may try to sneak this “assault weapons” ban into a must-pass bill.

That’s why it’s critical that YOU urge the 50-50 Senate to VOTE NO on the House-passed “assault weapons” ban and on ANY gun control measure that bans the most commonly-owned firearms in America.

So please, add your name to our pre-written letter to tell the 50-50 Senate to VOTE NO on any “assault weapons” ban that Biden tries to ram through Congress during the lame duck session.

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