The New York Times has an article on ex-Gov. Cuomo forming a pro-Isreal group as a way to reboot his political career. In the article is this nugget:
“Last year, as a growing schism over Israel tore at the Democratic Party, Andrew M. Cuomo threw himself into the fray. He announced he would lead a new advocacy group leveraging his clout as New York’s former governor to beat back growing anti-Israel sentiment on the left. … Almost a year later, though, the Cuomo group’s promises appear to have amounted to little beyond a few private informational receptions and opinion essays. Now, as Mr. Cuomo begins a comeback campaign for mayor of New York City, the group’s work provides one of the clearest windows into how he has sought to use well-timed political projects to re-enter the public sphere after his scandal-tarred resignation as governor. Others included a national gun safety group and a new political action committee to support favored candidates. … Rich Azzopardi, Mr. Cuomo’s spokesman, defended the efforts, which he called a reflection of Mr. Cuomo’s desire to continue work he had done as governor to tighten New York’s gun laws and fight antisemitism …”
His gun control group was as inactive as his pro-Isreal group. I could not recall hearing about it so I did a search and found this from ’22:
“Former New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who resigned more than a year ago after allegations of sexual harassment, said in a video Wednesday that he will start a political action committee “to elect the right people to politics,” form a gun-control group and launch his own weekly podcast … Cuomo also teased something called the “Gun Safe America” project, which he said he will unveiled soon …”
As far as I can tell “Gun Safe America” never got off the ground.
All this appears to be primarily astrotruf meant to keep his name circulating in internal Democrat party politics.