February 20, 2025

BE HEARD – Ask Wyoming Legislators to Uphold Second Amendment Protections!

Thank you so much for taking action on our alerts! The Legislature is hearing you loud and clear in Cheyenne, but we still need you to keep speaking out!

In fact, were it not for the efforts of GOA and its members, we would have forfeited the incredible Second Amendment victories that we achieved here in Wyoming over recent years.

I have news to report to you today, but first, let me explain where we’ve been in order to explain what we need to do now. 

In 2022, GOA fought to pass Wyoming Statute 9-14-203 which imposed a Criminal Penalty of imprisonment for not more than one (1) year, and a fine of not more than two thousand dollars ($2,000.00), for state or local officials who infringe on your Second Amendment Rights.

While no law is perfect, many around the country regard this law as the nation’s strongest Criminal Second Amendment Protection Act (SAPA) because it is a serious deterrent for officials who would infringe on your Rights!

Since the passage of the 2022 law, GOA has worked in Cheyenne every year to add a process allowing citizens to take civil action against a governmental entity that infringes on our Second Amendment Rights. This concept would remove governmental immunity and allow citizens to hire an attorney and seek financial damages from Agencies and Departments.

Sadly, some dishonest groups and many legislators have played political games with these facts and misrepresented these issues to the people of Wyoming for years!

Recently, 8 Wyoming Legislators proposed SF0196and a House mirror bill HB0283that would have destroyed the criminal penalty in Wyoming law for Wyoming officials who infringe on your Second Amendment Rights.

They falsely claimed this was “advancing Second Amendment Rights.”

Don’t take our word for it, download the identical bills, as introduced into the Legislature (HB0283 and SF0196), and look at the language on page 4 striking the Criminal Penalty that many around the country call America’s best!


Due to pressure from our members, Legislators heard the voice of GOA, and during a February 3rd Senate Committee Meeting, SF0196 was amended by the Committee to reinstate the criminal penalties!

What this means is that SF0196 NOW DOES NOT DESTROY the criminal penalties that protect your Rights!


GOA has worked for many years to establish civil processes allowing citizens to go to court against agencies and departments that infringe on your Second Amendment Rights! This would be in addition to our criminal protections!

With two additional Amendments, SF0196 can now provide those civil processes. The bill needs to better define “public officers” and “peace officers” in order to ensure there are no loopholes for Agencies, and the bill needs a Severability Clause to protect the law from Court challenges. 

The fight is far from over.

Please click the TAKE ACTION HERE, or in the graphic at the top, and contact your elected Representative and Senator. Tell them you support keeping Criminal Penalties in Wyoming law and establishing a process allowing Citizens to sue Agencies and Departments when Rights are violated.

GOA will be on the ground to fight this fight through the end of the 2025 Legislative Session. Please stay tuned for more information soon regarding how you can help strengthen Second Amendment Protections in Wyoming.

P.S. Ask the Wyoming Legislature to keep Criminal Penalty Protections in law and establish a process allowing Citizens to sue Agencies and Department in Civil Court when Rights are violated!

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