Wyoming Senate Considers Terrible Legislation to Undermine REAL Repeal of Gun Free Zones
Wyoming’s 2025 Legislative Session is just around the corner with the next session beginning January 14, 2025.
Anti-Second Amendment forces are already showing their true colors in the Senate with the introduction of SF0037.
SF0037 has been introduced by Senator Ed Cooper. This legislation is an unacceptable attempt to undermine real efforts to Repeal Gun Free Zones in Wyoming!
In fact, Senator Cooper voted against GOA’s Senate effort to save the Repeal of Gun Free Zones in 2024 by a Recall Vote from Committee in the Senate (https://www.wyoleg.gov/Legislation/2024/HB0125).
The stated purpose of SF0037 is to provide “some” citizens an opportunity to carry concealed weapons in school zones. The bill gives the Wyoming Attorney General, an unelected position appointed by the Governor, the ability to determine special rules related to Wyoming citizens’ ability to exercise our Second Amendment Rights.
If this bill passes, an unelected official will decide who can and who cannot have Second Amendment Rights, and Wyoming will take a giant step backwards by allowing for special classes of citizens to have rights while others do not.
Language in the bill could possibly even be used to undermine the exercise of Second Amendment Rights in areas outside school zones.
This bill is a terrible example of poorly written legislation, and the real purpose of the bill is to blunt attempts to pass a real Repeal of Gun Free Zones like we passed in 2024.
HB0125, the Repeal of Gun Free Zones that GOA championed in 2024, was vetoed by Senate Leadership’s ally, Governor Mark Gordon. That GOA-backed Bill was sponsored in both 2023 and 2024 by GOA-Endorsed Jeremy Haroldson.
Haroldson, now the House Speaker Pro Tempore, plans to introduce this bill again in 2025.
Don’t be fooled by attempts to undermine true Second Amendment Reform by bills like SF0037.
GOA and pro-Second Amendment forces will not rest until a real Repeal of Gun Free Zones is passed into law and any attempts to veto the Legislation are defeated.
Stay tuned for more information soon.