March 11, 2025

The anti-gunners are at it again.

Four different anti-gun bills have been rushed through the Michigan House of Representatives during our Lame Duck legislative session.

As you know, thanks to your activism and the tireless work of pro-gun voters, pro-gun Republicans retook the Michigan House of Representatives in this month’s historic election.

But anti-gun Democrats are using the final months of the 2024 legislative session to RAM THROUGH four different anti-gun pieces of legislation.

These bills are HB 4127, HB 4128, HB 5450, and HB 5451.

House Bills 4127 and 4128 passed through the House and Senate last year and are just now being amended and sent to the Governor’s office. These bills will:

  • Prohibit law-abiding Michiganders from possessing firearms at polling places.
  • Expand dangerous “gun free” zones leaving you unprotected from criminals who would seek to harm you while you exercise your right to vote.

But that’s not all.

Two other gun control bills, HB 5450 and HB 5451 are on their way to the Senate, and we need your voice to stop them.

Both pieces of legislation require schools to indoctrinate parents and children by force feeding them misleading, and sometimes completely false, information regarding Michigan’s unconstitutional safe storage laws.

I need you to take action immediately if we have any hope of stopping these monstrosities.

Together we can save Michigan and restore our right to keep and bear arms.

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