March 12, 2025

Gun Owners of America supports the strategy of passing a six-month Continuing Resolution (CR) attached to the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act with H.R. 9494. GOA is also unequivocally opposed to any Continuing Resolution into the lame duck—past the election but before the new Congress is sworn in. Congress must avoid allowing an unaccountable lame duck Congress to pass an omnibus full of gun control.

While GOA worked with appropriators to help craft some of the most pro-gun appropriations bills in history during the 118th Congress, House Republicans appear unable to pass these bills for other reasons. Furthermore, Gun Owners of America is unaware of any reasonable alternative strategies to effectively protect the Second Amendment from a lame duck omnibus. During the last lame duck, Speaker Nancy Pelosi enacted over a dozen gun control programs which GOA opposed. We cannot allow Senator Chuck Schumer and the Harris-Biden Administration the opportunity to infringe on the Second Amendment like this again.

Gun owners have a lot to lose in this appropriations fight. Gun Owners of America was able to work with Congress to force the Harris-Biden Administration to sign three major pro-gun appropriations into law for Fiscal Year 2024, which we are fighting to preserve:

  • The Harris-Biden Administration is prevented from disarming an estimated 20,000 veterans per year.
  • ATF’s budget was cut, canceling an entire new class of ATF agents that the Harris-Biden Administration requested to enforce its unconstitutional rules.
  • ATF was directed to make improvements to National Firearms Act form processing times which many gun owners are currently enjoying.

A six-month CR would protect these GOA-backed wins for the Second Amendment.

The SAVE Act is also a critical protection for the Second Amendment. While pro-gun states are taking steps to purge illegal aliens from their voter registration systems, many key states are not. We cannot allow non-citizens to vote in our elections, especially if they are going to vote for anti-gun politicians who want to destroy our Second Amendment.

If Congress is unable to pass a six-month CR and the SAVE Act, we risk our Second Amendment. If the SAVE Act is not signed into law, untold numbers of illegal aliens may vote for gun-grabbing politicians. If a six-month CR is not enacted, a lame duck Congress and President will fight GOA to disarm veterans, expand the ATF, and increase NFA wait times to punish gun owners. For these strategic reasons and to protect the Second Amendment, Gun Owners of America urges pro-gun representatives to vote for a six-month CR and SAVE Act through H.R. 9494.

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