The ATF is trying to use the assassination attempt on President Trump’s life as a way to justify adding YOUR name to the federal gun registry.
According to anti-gun leftists, since the ATF was able to use an unconstitutionally assembled federal registry of out-of-business gun store records to track the AR-15 used to its original owner, and thus identify the father of the shooter, this supposedly justifies the maintaining of a massive gun registry.
But they’re missing a key point… illegal federal gun registration did NOT STOP the shooter!
The only thing that saved President Trump’s life was the bullet that was put in the head of the would-be assassin.
And YOU – and every law-abiding American – have the same God-given right to keep and bear arms to protect your own life and liberty, regardless of the actions of evil doers.
The Constitution is perfectly clear: “SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.” Period. End of story.
With efforts on the rise to impose an expanded federal gun registry, we need YOUR help to remind Congress of the clear text of the Second Amendment and to DESTROY every record possessed by the ATF.
The Washington Post recently put out an article titled, “ATF traced Trump rally shooter’s gun using records opposed by some in GOP.”
The article concedes that the ATF is in possession of almost ONE BILLION GUN RECORDS – a story that Gun Owners of America and Rep. Michael Cloud helped break in November 2021.
There is currently a federal prohibition on a national gun registry. But the ATF has found a backdoor way to create an illegal registry by maintaining sale records from closed gun stores.
Now, anti-gunners in Congress are trying to call for a FULL federal gun registry, claiming that it could stop would-be shooters.
But, when Rep. Cloud filed a FOIA, he asked the ATF for examples to show where gun registration helped stop or catch criminals…
And as you’d expect, the ATF couldn’t provide a SINGLE example.
On the other hand, we can show countless examples where a registry leads to abuse, corruption, and confiscation – and even by deadly force.
As GOA’s Director of Federal Affairs, Aidan Johnston, said in the Washington Post article: “They could make a door-to-door confiscation list with these out-of-business records, and that’s a huge threat to the Second Amendment.”
Of course, whether it “works” or not is irrelevant.
The Bill of Rights does not ask what “works” or why you “need” your firearm or your free speech or your right to due process – it simply lists your protected rights.
And those God-given rights are now under siege by tyrants in the ATF and Congress who are pushing for a FULL federal gun registry, which will inevitably lead to gun confiscation.
That’s why GOA needs YOUR help to remind Congress of the clear text of the Second Amendment and to DESTROY every record possessed by the ATF.