March 12, 2025

Gun control activists in Massachusetts have deepened their assault on the Second Amendment and the constitutional rights of law-abiding gun owners.

Massachusetts Democrats are attempting one of the most egregious gun bans we’ve seen introduced in 2024 – attempting to pass a law which would outlaw the manufacture and possession of all semi-automatic weapons.

This bill, H 2361, intends to further restrict gun ownership by replacing all instances of the wording “assault weapon” with the wording “any rifle or shotgun containing a semiautomatic mechanism.”

But that’s not all.

Moving simultaneously with this monstrosity is H 1452 – a ban on manufacturing firearms. Its exact wording is below, and is likely to be amended to match the new definitions provided by H 2361:

“No person shall, within the commonwealth, manufacture or cause to be manufactured, partially or completely, any assault weapon or large capacity feeding device as defined in section 121 of chapter 140 of the General Laws.”

The intent is clear – anti-gunners in Massachusetts aim to completely rid the state of gun owners by arbitrarily limiting what can be purchased and owned, and secondly, by completely shutting off the supply of manufacturers. In the future they wish for, you are expected to be cut off, helpless, and entirely reliant on the state for your safety.

This comes in an age of ever-rising crime that has been brought about and enabled by the weak policies put in place by the same people attempting to RESTRICT your right to self-defense. California, New York, and Maryland all serve as examples of what is to come; as the restrictions of liberty are increased upon citizens, only criminals live in true freedom.

Let’s face the reality: YOU are responsible for your own safety. YOU are the first line of defense against criminals. If gun grabbers want mass shootings to end, then a competent, armed citizenry is necessary. Two examples of these citizens are Stephen Willeford and Elisjsha Dicken, both armed citizens, who neutralized mass shooters long before an official counter-terror response could be mounted.

H 1452 and H 2361 are only beginning to move through the legislature, so it’s necessary that we work now to nip them in the bud. Remind your legislator in the form above that gun bans have repeatedly proven themselves to be failures.

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