March 12, 2025

The Senator Dayna Polehanki has introduced two despicable bills in the Senate. They are SB 0857 and SB 0858. These bills would ban open carry and concealed carry at the State Capitol, the House Office Building, and the Senate Office Building.

In addition to the state building ban, SB 0858 would remove the CPL exception from MCL 750.234d, which is the list of places where those without a CPL cannot possess a firearm. This means, if passed, even those with a CPL will now be unable to protect themselves in these locations. The list includes any place in the state that sells alcohol, all banks, and all movie theaters in Michigan.

Please contact your Senator by clicking here or directly by phone at 517-373-2400 and let them know we will not stand for this encroachment on our rights.

In Liberty,   

August Shettler 
Michigan State Director
Gun Owners of America

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