March 12, 2025
WY: Override Gordon’s Veto with a Special Session

Help Override the Governor’s Unconstitutional Veto!


Conservative Legislators in both the House and Senate are calling for a Special Legislative Session to address the Governor’s Vetoes of several bills including the GOA-backed REPEAL OF GUN FREE ZONES!

GOA and our members worked very hard to get the Repeal of Gun Free Zones Bill through both chambers of the Wyoming Legislature, and now we need to support a Special Session!

The Governor’s statement about his veto of HB0125 implies it is somehow “Constitutional” for local authorities to continue to infringe on your Constitutional Rights, and his statement further implies that the Legislature does not have the authority to stop this infringement.

Fortunately, we expect a large number of Legislators to fight back against this unconstitutional argument and force a recorded vote to call a Special Session, and GOA wholeheartedly supports this action!

You can help by clicking here to contact your Representatives and Senators. Ask them to support efforts to call a Special Session to finish the job of restoring Second Amendment Rights and repealing dangerous Gun Free Zones!

Without this Special Legislative Session, dangerous public gun free zones remain in place in Wyoming where only criminals and madmen are armed.

Please click here to contact your Representatives and Senators. Tell them you want a Special Session to once again pass a Repeal of Gun Free Zones, and tell them to stay in Session to override the Governor’s possible veto!

Please don’t wait. It is time to act now to ensure that we have a chance to pass this historic legislation into law.

Please click here to send your message without delay!

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