March 12, 2025

Gun Bills to be Heard in Senate Judiciary C Committee

While it has been nice to celebrate Louisiana becoming the 28th state to pass Constitutional Carry, it is time to get back to business as the following gun bills are scheduled to be heard in the Senate Judiciary C Committee this afternoon (March 19th) at 1:00 p.m.

Please TAKE ACTION and contact the members of the Senate Judiciary C Committee as soon as possible regarding the following gun bills.

Pro-Gun Bills:

Senate Bill 214 by Senator Blake Miguez further restores the right of law-abiding individuals to carry a concealed handgun without government permission by relaxing the restriction on the carrying of a concealed handgun in a restaurant that serves alcohol without a concealed handgun permit. Currently, under Louisiana R.S. 14:95.5 only individuals with a concealed handgun permit are “allowed” to carry a concealed handgun in a restaurant that serves alcohol. SB 214 would amend 14:95.5 to include the concealed carry of a handgun by individuals carrying under Louisiana’s recently passed constitutional carry statute.

Anti-Gun Bills:

Senate Bill 203 by Senator Royce Duplessis creates the office of gun violence prevention under the supervision and control of the superintendent of the Louisiana state police. The stated function of the office is to perform gun violence prevention research and make policy recommendations to reduce gun violence in the state. Though the office is supposed to be non-partisan, this bill is authored and supported by gun control legislators and groups such as Mon Demands Action and will be nothing more than a taxpayer-funded mechanism for the creation and enforcement of rights-infringing legislation in Louisiana.

Senate Bill 256 by Senator Gary Carter is the Senator’s latest attempt to pass a gun confiscation “Red Flag Law” in Louisiana.  As with previous versions this bill would allow the government to strip away an individual’s right to keep and bear arms without being charged with, let alone convicted of a crime.

Again, please TAKE ACTION and urge the committee members to SUPPORT your constitutionally protected right to keep and bear arms!

In Liberty,

Joshua S. Barnhill
Louisiana Director
Gun Owners of America


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