Repeal Gun Free Zones and Enforce Firearms Privacy!
A GOA-backed bill to Repeal Gun-Free Zones just passed the Wyoming House Judiciary Committee!
Another Bill is moving in the Senate to protect your firearms privacy.
Right now is a critical time!
GOA is asking our members and supporters to contact their Legislators and demand two simple things.
The Repeal of Gun Free Zones (HB0125) that passed the House Judiciary Committee yesterday needs to be passed through the entire Legislature without any weakening amendments!
And the Firearms Privacy Legislation (SF0105) moving on the Senate side needs the addition of a criminal penalty!
HB0125 would allow lawful concealed carry holders to carry on school grounds in Wyoming and to carry in most government buildings except jails, court rooms, etc.
SF0105 would protect your firearms privacy IF A STRONG PENALTY FOR VIOLATION WAS ADDED. In its current form, SF0105 says the Wyoming Attorney General “may” intervene on your behalf in a Civil Action.
SF0105 needs a criminal penalty enforced by elected County Prosecutors similar to the GOA-backed Second Amendment Protection Act passed in 2022.
PLEASE Act now to let your elected Legislators know you want HB0125 passed without weakening amendments and you want SF0105 passed with a strong enforcement provision.
Please be watching for more from GOA in the coming days as we monitor THIS AND ANY OTHER LEGISLATION impacting your Second Amendment Rights!