House Passes Clean Constitutional Carry

Call Your Senator to Pass a Clean Constitutional Carry bill.
Dear friend,
Due to immense grassroots pressure from gun owners like you, the South Carolina’s House of Representatives passed a clean Constitutional Carry bill this week.
This is major victory, and it is certainly a setback to anti-gun forces in Columbia.
Now, gun owners’ attention turns back to the Senate, where they have a chance to pass a clean bill.
It remains to be seen if the Senate will change their mind on the anti-gun amendments and concur with the House.
We can know one thing for sure; the Senate may not pass a clean bill if you do not act.
Please call your Senator and urge him/her to pass a clean Constitutional Carry bill, just as the House did!
In liberty,
Jordan Stein
Certified Firearms Instructor
Southeast Region Director
Gun Owners of America