September 8, 2024

Speak Up for Constitutional Carry in the Commonwealth

Dear friend,

Two Constitutional Carry bills, HB 389 and HB 1030, will be heard in the Virginia House Public Safety committee tomorrow.

In short, these identical bills would allow one to concealed carry in the Commonwealth any where one can open carry, without a concealed handgun permits.

The hearing will be held in House Committee Room A – 008 at 8:00am tomorrow morning – so I need you to contact your delegate immediately and let them know you support this vital pro-gun legislation

While anti-gunners are pulling the levers of power in Richmond, gun owners must make a strong stand for our priority legislation.

It is import for us to go on the offense in Virginia and let our lawmakers know that not only do we OPPOSE gun control, we want them to RESTORE gun rights which have been taken from us.

So please contact your Delegate — and if possible — sign up to speak in person or virtually. Learn more here.

Please don’t delay!

In liberty,

Jordan Stein
Certified Firearms Instructor
Southeast Region Director
Gun Owners of America



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