October 18, 2024

We need your help bombarding your legislators with letters about the two most important battles currently before Congress – stopping the permanent reauthorization of the Plastic Gun Ban and defunding the rabid anti-gunners at the ATF.

But to maximize effectiveness, we’ve decided to change up our grassroots strategy by sending separate letters to Republican and Democrat members of Congress.

If your Representative is an anti-gun Democrat, your letter will contain a special message specifically tailored to appeal to them.

You see, instead of asking them to defend the Second Amendment, our letter highlights the various examples of egregious behavior of ATF agents and asks them to defund the ATF over the endemic racism at the agency.

While anti-gun Democrats may hate the Second Amendment, the last thing they want is to be seen supporting an agency that’s been known for engaging in discriminatory behavior!

Meanwhile, if your Representative is a Republican, they’ll receive a letter asking them point blank if they oppose the permanent reauthorization of the Plastic Gun Ban and reminding them of the political consequences of betraying gun owners.

It will also encourage them to co-sign Rep. Thomas Massie and Rep. Andy Ogles’ letter telling Speaker Mike Johnson to toss the permanent Plastic Gun Ban on the ash heap of history where it belongs!

NOTE: If your Representative is one of the few who has already signed the letter to Speaker Johnson, they’ll receive a letter thanking them for doing so.

Please add your name to our prewritten letter urging your Representative to OPPOSE a permanent reauthorization of the Plastic Firearms ban (if they’re a Republican) or DEFUND the ATF based on the racist behavior of ATF agents (if they’re a Democrat).

Republicans in Congress often take gun owners for granted.

Many of these spineless cowards seem to think they can compromise away our Second Amendment rights and still get our votes in November.

We need to make it perfectly clear that if they vote to reauthorize the Plastic Gun Ban, there will be consequences forthem at the ballot box.

Gun owners will not tolerate another betrayal, especially now that Republicans have the House majority!

For Democrats, we need to drive a wedge between the various factions within the party.

The Left clearly doesn’t care about gun rights. These radicals want to ban and confiscate firearms, expand the illegal federal gun registry, and ultimately, disarm every single American.

It’s pretty clear they’re not going to be swayed by arguments about the Second Amendment, the Constitution, or the ineffectiveness of gun control – so we need to make this battle about something else.

In the modern Democrat party, there’s nothing worse than being labeled as a bigot…

And the ATF has a long history of extremely racist behavior within the agency.

Democrats SHOULD be worried about the ATF trampling on the constitutional rights of Americans of all backgrounds.

But if concerns about racial discrimination are the most likely thing to motivate Democrats to act, then we’re happy to drive that point home.

No matter who your Representative is, you can play a key role in our battle to repeal gun control and cut the ATF off at its knees.

So please, add your name to our prewritten letter urging your Representative to OPPOSE a reauthorization of the Plastic Firearms ban (if they’re a Republican) or DEFUND the ATF based on the racist behavior of ATF agents (if they’re a Democrat).

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