March 12, 2025

Over the past several weeks, Governor Lujan Grisham has extended her tyrannical reach against your right to keep and bear arms, rendering you and your families defenseless in many parts of the state.   

We have seen that her gun-control agenda and her woke policies have done NOTHING to reduce crime in Albuquerque, but instead have kept law-abiding people defenseless against the criminal elements.   

What is happening in New Mexico is not unique, as anti-gun officials in other states have also tried to limit people’s right to carry. But in at least one state, we see how an Attorney General is trying to rein in wayward officials.   

Recently, Nebraska’s Attorney General Mike Hilger issued a legal opinion to rebuke those cities which are imposing gun restrictions on sidewalks, parks, and other places. Hilger’s opinion is a shot across the bow, because cities that ignore him and refuse to reverse their anti-gun ways could become subject to lawsuits spearheaded by his office.   

Given what the Attorney General of Nebraska is doing, there’s no reason why Attorney General Raul Torrez can’t do the same in New Mexico. He’s already expressed his opposition to Grisham when she imposed her first 30-day ban on concealed carry in certain cities. That was a good first step—but actions speak louder than words.   

 This is why we must urge Attorney General Torrez to take a stand for the people of New Mexico and use the power of his office to stop the Governor’s dictatorship.   

 While Gov. Grisham has no authority to suspend our God-Given rights, she has proven she will continue infringing our rights as long as she is Governor.  

It is time for the good people of New Mexico to take a stand and refuse to let these types of radical leaders destroy our rights, while letting the criminals run amuck in our cities.  

Please take a moment and reach out to AG Raul Torrez and urge him to intercede against Grisham, on behalf of the people of New Mexico! Remember election year is COMING!!! And we WILL let our voices be heard!  

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