October 18, 2024

You made your voice heard, and Congress listened.

The permanent Plastic Gun Ban reauthorization has been REMOVED from the National Defense Authorization Act, or NDAA.

GOA has been fighting to have this gun control removed from the NDAA since it was forced through the Senate in July by Chuck Schumer. This is a great victory for the Second Amendment.

But the battle won’t truly be over until the Plastic Gun Ban has officially EXPIRED…

…and Congressmen are meeting RIGHT NOW to decide whether or not to pass another temporary reauthorization of the Plastic Gun Ban.

This ban makes no one safer, and it could easily be weaponized by the Biden Administration’s ATF to implement the largest gun ban in American history!

By continuing to weaponize the federal definition of a “frame or receiver,” Joe Biden could BAN many popular firearms by claiming that certain plastic gun parts found in those firearms are “undetectable.” We’ve detailed this in previous alerts, but all the Department of Justice would need to do is apply some of the same faulty reasoning they’ve used before to ban all kinds of guns under this law.

That’s why I’m asking YOU to contact your legislators and tell them to NEVER REAUTHORIZE the Plastic Gun Ban and to let it lapse early next year.

Please add your name to our prewritten letter telling your Representative and two Senators to allow the Plastic Gun Ban to EXPIRE on February 2nd, 2024.

It was GOA and our activists alone that won this legislative battle.

As soon as we discovered the Swamp had snuck this gun control into the NDAA, we warned Senators that we would rate the vote.

When they forged ahead despite our warning, we doubled down and rallied our members and activists to launch the strongest pushback against the Plastic Gun Ban in decades.

As the only NO COMPROMISE gun lobby in Washington, we’ve opposed the Plastic Gun Ban since its inception in 1988—and we’re proud to have helped rally gun owners to oppose its permanent reauthorization in this year’s NDAA.

Anti-gunners have also tried to pass red flag gun grabs for the military in the NDAA twice in recent years, only to be stopped by GOA and our grassroots activists.

As our membership numbers continue to increase, so does our influence on Capitol Hill!

But for our latest victory to be complete, we need to build on our momentum and make sure the Plastic Gun Ban ends up on the ash heap of history, where it belongs.

So please, add your name to our prewritten letter telling your Representative and two Senators to allow the Plastic Gun Ban to EXPIRE on February 2nd, 2024.

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