March 12, 2025

The gun charges against Councilwoman Inna Vernikov have been dropped for a dubious reason:

“… after Vernikov surrendered her gun, the police examined it and found that it was missing the recoil spring assembly, rendering it inoperable, Brooklyn district attorney’s office spokesperson Oren Yaniv said. “In order to sustain this charge, it must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt that the weapon in question was capable of firing bullets,” Yaniv said. “Absent such proof, we have no choice but to dismiss these charges.” …”

I don’t believe this.

Vernikov isn’t stupid so I can’t see her forgetting to put her pistol back together correctly after cleaning it. I have doubts the slide would stay on correctly without the spring either.

I suspect the real reasons the charge was dropped was because 1.) D.A. Gonzalez didn’t want to defend the “sensitive places” law in court and 2.) electeds didn’t want to piss off an already upset Jewish population in the City which generally supports Democrats, but could reconsider that given the increased love and attention the Party is giving to Hamas supporters.

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