March 15, 2025

You probably remember our alert a few months ago when we jumped into the fight OPPOSING HD 4420 – a massive “omnibus” gun control bill in Massachusetts.

And thanks to your activism, we were able to derail this monstrosity from advancing to the House floor.

If passed into law, HD 4420 aimed to ban more firearms than any other state in the entire country. The bill was 140 pages of the worst gun control proposals ever introduced – making legally owning a firearm nearly impossible in Massachusetts.

GOA’s alert generated thousands of messages to legislators, and other state-level gun groups did the same thing, and the bill failed to move forward.

However, the anti-gun Democrats in the Massachusetts Legislature are trying for a second time, just as they promised.

This week, they circumvented the normal bill process, and have begun fast tracking almost the same bill under a different name, H 4135!

Yesterday, the bill passed in the House, and is now making its way to the Senate for a vote.

While this new 120-page bill is still being reviewed by our legal team, we believe the worst parts are exactly the same.

This tyrannical legislation:

  • Redefines “Assault-style firearm” to be more extensive and bans ALMOST ALL semi-automatic firearms from civilian ownership.
  • Redefines “firearm” into a broader term that includes even stun guns.
  • Mandates “safe storage” procedures, locking up guns against your will.
  • Mandates REGISTRATION of all guns and feeding devices.
  • Includes confusing language for new MA residents and the serialization of guns.
  • Mandates reporting any parts modifications to firearms to the state.
  • Mandates reporting an itemized list of parts when modifying or building a gun.
  • Mandates serializing of feeding devices (magazines).
  • Mandates that privately made guns need to be registered within 7 days.
  • Bans anyone under 21 from acquiring or carrying semi-automatic rifles or shotguns.
  • Forces new requirements for firearms retailers.
  • Forces new training mandates for law-abiding gun owners.
  • Adds additional prohibited areas where even licensed individuals cannot defend themselves with a firearm.

The new bill likely includes a majority of the above, with very minor changes.

HD 4135 is a full-on assault against the Second Amendment and your right to keep and bear arms WITHOUT infringement.

Anti-gun legislators in Massachusetts are not even trying to hide their disdain for the Second Amendment and your right to keep and bear arms.

We need to crank up the pressure and make our voices heard.

With the anti-gun Democrats in control of the State House, Senate, and Governor seats, there is a real chance of this extremely tyrannical omnibus bill becoming law.

I need you to take action TODAY and begin applying pressure on your State Senator in Boston.

Please use the form above to send a pre-written message to your Legislators urging them to oppose H 4135.

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