February 22, 2025

It’s time to rock the valley!

Please make plans to attend the Patriots Rally in the Valley, on October 5th-8th, at the Kanawha Valley Arena Resort (121 Kanawha Ridge Rd, Dugspur, VA 24325).

This exciting event will feature speeches from leaders in the 2A movement, including GOA’s Jordan Stein.

The event will also feature premiere firearms instruction including laser simulator training, VA conceal carry permit classes, a use of force seminar, and advanced, live-fire handgun courses in addition to emergency first aid and CPR training.

There’ll also be a chance to show off your shooting abilities in the Snap Shot Shooting Competition.

This event will be fun for the whole family, with scavenger hunts and free fishing for children.

There’s lots more going on at this event, including live music and a BBQ, so be sure to visit their website for all the activities.

I hope you and your family will make plans to join me at the Patriots Rally in the Valley October 5th-8th in Dugspur!

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