October 18, 2024

The Special Session Must End Immediately

Call your state representative and senator and urge them to end the special session right away!

Dear friend,

Governor Bill “Lousy Lee’s” special red flag gun control session begins today.

However, GOA’s message to the legislature remains the same: gavel in, gavel out.

With dozens of bills introduced into the special session, practically all of them lack substantive solutions to end mass shootings, and many are pathways to fast-track gun control (if not outright gun control).

You can read more about the problems with the special session here, but it is important that your state legislators hear from you immediately.

We know the anti-gunners — along with turncoat Lousy Lee — are bullying the legislature into passing gun control, so we must speak up now.

Please take action by calling your state representative and senator and urging them to end the session. (Find your legislators here.)

In liberty,

Jordan Stein
Certified Firearms Instructor
Southeast Region Director
Gun Owners of America

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