October 18, 2024

Urge Your Senators to Vote for Repealing Biden’s Gun Ban!

Call your Senators at 202-224-3121 and urge him/her to vote for H.J. Res. 44. You can go here to figure out who your Senators are.

Since the moment the Biden Pistol Ban was announced, GOA has been working with Congress to take action and block this infringement.

And last week you saw the fruit of our labor combined with your grassroots activism when the House of Representatives passed a bill to block the Biden Pistol Ban with a BIPARTISAN vote of 219-210 on H.J. Res. 44.

But the fight is not over, and we need every gun owner to pick up the phone, dial 202-224-3121, and demand your Senators vote for H.J. Res. 44!

Our House victory sent H. J. Res. 44 to the Senate with special privileges.

Because this is a “privileged resolution” under the Congressional Review Act, it can NOT be filibustered by Chuck Schumer and his fellow cronies.

This GOA-backed bill to repeal the Biden Pistol Ban can now avoid the 60-vote threshold of the filibuster and can pass the Senate with just 51% of the votes.

This week, all 48 Republican Senators are in Washington, D.C.—present and ready to vote on repealing Joe Biden’s ban on 40 million pistols.

And that means we only need two Democratic Senators to win.

Please call your Senators—whether Republicans or Democrats—immediately at 202-224-3121. Tell them to vote for H.J. Res. 44, which is the congressional resolution to repeal Biden’s gun ban that the House passed last week.

If your Senator is a Democrat, tell them that self-defenders, hunters, and veterans who own pistol braces are all calling on Congress to vote down the Biden Pistol Ban!

If your Senator is a Republican, urge them to vote for the resolution and not restrict the Second Amendment rights of millions of Americans.

Now that the House has done their job and passed H.J. Res. 44, it is time for the Senate to vote and send H.J. Res. 44 to the President’s desk.

And the Senate could vote as early as Thursday, June 22.

Sure, President Biden promised a veto already. But that will speak volumes to the courts who are adjudicating our legal challenge Texas & GOA v. ATF.

First, it shows that Biden is a tyrant abusing his executive power.

Secondarily, our victory in Congress proves that if the Biden Pistol Ban were a bill (and not an executive order) then it would not have passed both chambers for the President to sign into law.

Most certainly, ATF is violating the intent of Congress with its pistol ban! But the Senate needs to speak up and send that message to the courts directly.

So please call your Senators at 202-224-3121 and urge them to vote for H.J. Res. 44. Tell them that Gun Owners of America is watching and will report their vote back to you.

Let’s send a message to Joe Biden and let him know that he can’t bypass Congress and enact gun control unilaterally.

Thank you for taking action!

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