June 13, 2023
Washington, D.C. – This week, Gun Owners of America sent two grassroots coalition letters to Congressional leadership urging action on the Biden Pistol Brace Ban. These separate letters were signed by several law enforcement officials and organizations, and by over 16,000 hunters across the nation, including Donald Trump, Jr. and Ted Nugent. This move follows a GOA-led letter last week on the same topic that was signed by over 6000 American servicemen and veterans.
Thankfully, the House of Representatives is expected to pass a resolution blocking the rule today.
Aidan Johnston, GOA’s Director of Federal Affairs, issued the following statement:
“At GOA, grassroots support is the cornerstone of our operation, as there is nothing more compelling to lawmakers weighing serious issues than the angry voices of their constituencies haranguing them in the background. It’s clear the Biden ATF violated the Bill of Rights with this executive action, with the goal of harassing as many law-abiding gun owners as they possibly could. We will continue to push back in Congress and the Courts until this rule is sent to the scrapyard where it belongs”
Sheriff Chris Brown of Cleburne County Arkansas, a signer of the letter, stated:
Sheriffs, Chiefs, and Law Enforcement Officers all over the country are shocked and outraged at the new ATF pistol-brace rule. The ATF is a regulatory agency, not a law-making body. Yet, with one rule, they have managed to make millions of law-abiding American citizens into felons almost overnight. Congress should be outraged and should be taking immediate steps to reign in this egregious overreach. Arkansas Sheriffs, Chiefs, and LEOs, along with LEOs from all over the country have, and will continue to stand up for the citizens they serve by refusing to help the ATF enforce this new regulation. We will not partake in tyranny. We will stand with our communities, and we will continue to carry out the oath we took to support the Constitution. We urge Congress to act quickly to remedy this situation, and to take a hard look at why these regulatory agencies seem to have unilateral authority to create laws without the approval of Congress and the President.
Daniel Stuebs, Executive Director of American Police Officers Alliance stated:
“It is sad that they are focused on banning these pistol braces when it will do nothing to stop gun crime, it will only infringe upon the rights of law-abiding Americans. American Police Officers Alliance stands with Gun Owners of America and has proudly signed GOA’s letters to Congress voicing our concerns about the pistol ban. This ban is a direct affront to the 2nd Amendment and a violation of our Bill of Rights. Thank you to all of the grassroots supporters that signed this letter and stood up for our American ideals.”
Mark Jones, GOA’s Director of Hunter Outreach, added:
“We say it all the time because it’s true: the Second Amendment isn’t about hunting, but hunters should be about the Second Amendment. The amount of grassroots support we’ve received on this letter is a testament to that very cause, and we are committed to ensuring that all gun owners’ voices are heard loud and clear on this issue: Congress, block the Biden Pistol Brace Rule.”
The 2A COPS letter was first covered by the Washington Examiner, read more here.
The Second Amendment Hunters letter was first covered by Fox News, read more here.
GOA spokesmen are available for interviews. Gun Owners of America is a nonprofit grassroots lobbying organization dedicated to protecting the right to keep and bear arms without compromise. GOA represents over two million members and activists. For more information, visit GOA’s Press Center.