February 13, 2025

Thanks to your advocacy, Prermitless Carry is moving to the Governor’s Desk!

Patriots, your advocacy was a significant factor in the fight to push Permitless Carry through the legislature. The vote was 32 to 14…yet Senators McKinney and Wayne did not have the moral courage to vote to restore the liberties of their constituencies.

L.B. 77 will be signed by Governor Pillen on Tuesday the 25th of April. More importantly, this September the unconstitutional registry schemes of socialist-controlled cities of Lincoln and Omaha are over! Moreover, many restrictions on the right to “keep and bear arms” have been removed. While there is still more work to be done, L.B. 77 is a necessary first step in the continual battle to restore just governance to Nebraska.

In recognition of Sen. Tom Brewer’s (R), District 43, dogged determination, GOA would like to thank Sen. Brewer and his dedicated staff for diligently laboring to advance liberty on behalf of all Nebraskans. Sen. Brewer’s stalwart leadership and obstinance in the face of Democrat opposition is in accordance with the finest tradition of American Statesmanship.

By demonstrating a willingness to be flexible in the fight and with single-minded persistence, Sen. Brewer was able to force L.B. 77 through after four previous attempts!

Please send a note to Sen. Brewer in order to thank him for his diligence and patriotism!

While we have a tactical victory with the passage of L.B. 77, it is essential to stay the course by continuing to engage in respectful discourse with your State Senators and persist in demanding that your God-given rights be respected by our elected officials!

In the interim, please send a message to your legislators to thank them for their vote and encourage them to continue the fight to preserve liberty for future generations of Corn Huskers!

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