Call these 6 Senators to Support SB 1503

Please call the 6 Senators (numbers below) and urge them to support SB 1503.
Dear friend,
SB 1503 faces its next challenge in the Senate Judiciary. This bill is the companion of HB 1005, which improves Tennessee’s weak Constitutional Carry law.
However, these six senators need to hear from gun owners that this bill should pass. Sadly, there’s no guarantee that this pro-gun bill will pass out of this Republican-led committee.
Your calls could be the difference in passing this legislation, so please don’t delay. Please urge the committee members to pass SB 1503.
- Todd Gardenhire: (615) 741-6682
- Paul Rose: (615) 741-1967
- Sara Kyle: (615) 741-4167
- London Lamar: (615) 741-2509
- Jon Lundberg: (615) 741-5761
- Brent Taylor: (615) 741-3036
Thanks in advance for taking action.
In liberty,
Jordan Stein
Southeast Region Director
Gun Owners of America