Cooper Can Avoid a Veto Override

Call Gov. Cooper at (919) 814-2000 and urge him to let SB 41 became law without his signature.
Dear friend,
Good news! SB 41, a bill to repeal pistol purchase permits and close the church carry loophole, has passed the General Assembly with veto proof majorities. Now, the bill heads to Gov. Roy Cooper’s desk.
Gun owners know that the rabidly anti-gun governor will not add his name to this pro-gun bill. However, he can save himself from the political embarrassment of a veto override by simply waiting for the bill to become law.
After ten days, if a bill is not vetoed by the governor, the bill will become law without his signature.
So please call Gov. Cooper at (919) 814-2000, and urge him to let SB 41 become law.
It’s time to finally repeal the purchase permit system and make our churches safer. Please take action now!
In liberty,
Jordan Stein
Southeast Region Director
Gun Owners of America