September 8, 2024

SB 41 Gets Hearing on Tuesday

Please call the Republican committee members (numbers listed below) and then make plans to attend the House Judiciary 3 Committee tomorrow at 3pm.

Dear friend,

Good news! SB 41, which would repeal pistol purchase permits and close the church carry loophole, will be heard tomorrow March 14th, at 3pm in House Judiciary 3 Committee.

Committee members need to hear from you immediately. In fact, your calls to these members can make the difference in passing this legislation.

  • Rep. Hugh Blackwell: 919-733-5805
  • Rep. Bill Ward: 919-733-5780
  • Rep. John Faircloth: 919-733-5877
  • Rep. Julia Howard: 919-733-5904
  • Rep. Jeff Zenger: 919-733-5787

Next, make plans to attend the committee hearing tomorrow, located at 16 W Jones St Raleigh, NC 27601 beginning at 3pm. Please see the attached graphic for parking and hearing location information.

Thanks in advance for taking action.

In liberty,

Jordan Stein
Southeast Region Director
Gun Owners of America

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